Learn Which Bottled Waters Contain Fluoride

For many families, avoiding fluoride is a prime concern. But the act of avoiding it can be a rigorous process. In fact, fluoride is found in countless items even beyond our public water supplies. Toothpaste and bottle waters are prime examples of items which often contain fluoride. Toothpaste will list fluoride as an ingredient on the label while bottled water will often leave it as a mystery.

The below data has been provided by the International Bottled Water Association and should help those looking to avoid bottled water.

Here’s a video regarding the matter as well.


Photo by danorth1

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2 Comments on "Learn Which Bottled Waters Contain Fluoride"

  1. Anne Ravizza | 09/06/2017 at 11:19 am | Reply

    Why don’t we just stop fluoridating our water and end dumping plastic water bottles in the landfill? Save our children and the landfill at the same time.

  2. Kerry Roberts | 08/12/2017 at 1:35 pm | Reply

    When I lived in Florida, I sold water filtration systems. We competed with bottled water. I discovered that much of the bottled water was nothing more than Florida water run through a filter and sold as pure water.

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