Mom Claims HPV Vaccine Has Kept Her Daughter ‘Housebound’ For Years

hpv vaccine injury

A Scottish mom claims that the HPV vaccine has left her 19-year-old daughter “housebound.”

Caran Dynan says that her daughter, Amy, received the HPV vaccine at her school and within a week her health began to sharply decline. Dynan is now on a mission to spread awareness for the potential of side-effects involved with the HPV vaccine.

Dynan says that the vaccine at least 14 various mental and physical ailments. She says that her daughter’s legs suffered from numbness, she developed chronic fatigue, she began frequently having headaches, and her heartbeat became irregular. She also became severely depressed and left with cognitive impairment.

Dynan says that Amy received the shot four years ago and was forced to leave her school that day. She’s not left their home, since.

According to The Mirror

“At first, Amy was fainting and she had never fainted before in her life.

“She became sort of detached from her friends, very anxious and unable to talk to anyone she didn’t know. She was in tears all the time.

“She was very, very tired and sleeping all day. We had thought there was a bullying issue at school but there wasn’t.

“She lost her appetite and she was missing a lot of school. To this day, she hardly eats.

“We took her to a counsellor as there was a point where she was having a lot of dark thoughts and we became very worried.

“She had to leave school, she wasn’t getting the work done, and she wasn’t able to concentrate and they eventually took her into a meeting and said, she was at the age where she could leave.

“She cannot walk unaided, she struggles about the house on crutches because the doorways are too narrow for her wheelchair, which she uses on the rare occasion she is out of the house.

“She is 19-years-old now and has not been out of the house alone in about four years. It all stems from around the time she had the vaccine.

“I remember looking it up online and everything fell into place. She has seen several doctors and I’ve told them my concerns about it. I haven’t seen a single practitioner willing to say it’s attributed to the vaccine. But they don’t know what’s wrong.

“She’s had MRI scans, heart scans and we are not getting any answers.”

Dynan says she lives with regret daily for allowing her daughter to get the shot.

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