Myocarditis and the COVID-19 Shots: Much Ado About Nothing?

by Fed Up Dixie Chick

There’s proof!  The mRNA COVID-19 ‘pseudo vaccines’ do increase cardiac inflammation in the body.

Well-known cardiologist Dr. Steven Gundry just published an interesting article in Circulation, the American Heart Association’s flagship journal that is highly respected in the medical community. Dr. Gundry, a clinician and heart surgeon, has been administering a widely used assessment called the PULS Cardiac Test. This blood test analyzes certain inflammatory biomarkers associated with heart disease and heart attacks.

Specifically, the test measures markers of unstable cardiac lesions lining the arterial wall that is in danger of rupturing. The cardiac lesions are caused by the oxidation of lipids that bind to the surface of the artery over time. The PULS test is a clinically-validated test that has been used for many years to warn of impending cardiac events.

Specifically, the PULS test is used to measure specific proteins related to inflammation. For example, the test measures levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), a proinflammatory cytokine present in many inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. The test generates a score that can predict a person’s five-year risk of developing a heart attack. It can calculate the percentage chance of developing an acute cardiac syndrome. The higher the score, the more likely the person will develop a heart problem in the future.

Prior to COVID, Dr. Gundry had been measuring his patients every 3 to 6 months for the last 8 years.  His team noticed a dramatic increase in PULS scores after patients began to be injected with either the Pfizer or the Moderna mRNA shots.

In the Circulation article, Gundry reports data for 566 patients (age range 28 to 97). Patients were a 1:1 ratio of male to female. In a period of 2 to 10 weeks following the second COVID shot, PULS scores were taken and compared with the PULS scores taken 3 to 5 months before the patients received the COVID injections.  Pro-inflammatory IL-6 increased from 35 points above the norm to 82 points above the norm after the second dose. Several other markers more than doubled as well.

Overall, the changes in the PULS score indicate that the5-year risk of having a cardiac event prior to the shot was about 11%; after receiving the shot, the risk increased to 25% and the elevated risk was sustained for at least 2.5 months after the second dose. Gundry’s team concluded that the mRNA injections dramatically increased inflammation within cardiac muscle and may account for rapidly increasing reports of heart attacks, myocarditis, and cardiomyopathies.

What does the CDC have to say?

Early on, the CDC refused to address cardiac issues associated with the shots, such as myocarditis. In other words, they blamed myocarditis on the virus, not the injection. They site one study that looked at patients over a 9-month period (March 2020 to January 2021). Patients with COVID-19 were 16 times more likely to have myocarditis. The risk did vary by age and sex. They conclude that these findings are a reason to get injected.

However, as cases of myocarditis began showing up within two weeks post-injection, the CDC made a statement acknowledging the increased myocarditis and pericarditis cases. They stated that since April 2021, cases had risen in young people who had either the Pfizer or Moderna injection. They noted that the J&J shot  did not appear to have this issue. Later, in June 2021, a CDC advisory committee published a likely link between myocarditis and the injections.

Despite denoting that most cases occurred in young adults over age 16 after the second dose, the CDC continued to stress the importance of everyone over age 5 to get injected given the risk of COVID-19 illness. However, the CDC’s own data shows that people under age 18 have a very low risk. The CDC reports that most cases of myocarditis have been minor, with people responding well to rest and medications. The agency goes on to say that it is diligently continuing to investigate the reports of heart issues.

The risk of a COVID-19 death in the age 5-14 group is exceedingly small at 0.001%. This means that 1 in 100,000 children infected with the SARS-CoV2 virus will die. Ages 0-4 and 15-19 have a slightly higher risk at 0.003%, but at 3 in 100,000 deaths, this is still exceedingly small.

What is myocarditis?

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis is inflammation of the heart lining. Both cases involve the body’s own immune system causing inflammation in response to an infection “or some other trigger” (the CDC’s own words).

Indeed, there is a link between COVID-19 infection and myocarditis, particularly in athletes, where cardiac complications are of particular concern. As of December 16, one news outlets listed 331 athletes have had cardiac arrests and 185 died after COVID shots. In another article, myocarditis was implicated in 22% of cases of sudden cardiac death. Medical news outlets continue to downplay post-jab myocarditis, despite reports from various groups like the US military and Israel. A closer look at the military JAMA article shows that only 23 patients were studied. Why? Because those were the only cases in the VAERS reporting system, widely known to have vast underreporting. Yet on a 23-patient study, researchers make a definitive claim that myocarditis is rare and nothing to really worry about.

In another article citing a study in Circulation, only 139 patients were included in the study. Again, definitive statements were made regarding the rarity of myocarditis and the mildness of symptoms post-vaccine. The authors stated that myocarditis is six times more likely after COVID infection than injection. Yet in the same article, the author states that the causes of myocarditis (post-injection or otherwise) remain unclear, stating that while scientists think it is related to the immune system attacking the heart, they really can’t be sure because that is not proven. Nor is the fact that myocarditis happens most often in young males. Despite the downplay, the authors say the emergence of post-jab myocarditis kept the UK Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) from recommending the Pfizer shot for anyone under age 18 (at least as of August 2021). Despite countries like Ireland and the US letting teens get the shot, the JCVI stated that only highly vulnerable kids should be injected against COVID 19.

Finally, despite certain articles that seem to brush off any myocarditis concerns (COVID-induced or jab induced), a scientific literature search in Pubmed produced over 1,100 articles to date regarding myocarditis and COVID. Despite what certain health authorities are telling us, it certainly seems as if something is amiss.


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Fed Up Texas Chick is a contributing writer for Vaxxter. She’s a rocket scientist turned writer, having worked in the space program for many years. She is a seasoned medical writer and researcher who is fighting for medical freedom for all of us through her work.

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