STUDY: Vitamin D Outperforms Flu Shot…

A new study has shown researchers that taking vitamin D might well be a better option than receiving a flu shot. Researchers at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) examined respiratory tract infections, these ranged from…

Polio: The Story You’ve Never Heard

I’m reading a fascinating book called, “Polio: An American Story,” by David Oshisky. This is an excerpt from the introduction: “In 1949, San Angelo, Texas outbreak of polio in kids….Since poliovirus was often found in…

INVITE: Join Our New Private Vaccine Group

Join Our New Vaccine Group On Facebook. Our new group will be private, approval only and geared towards those wanting to discover the truth about vaccines. While the group will initially be slow, we expect…

Aluminum Implicated in Alzheimer’s and Autism

Chris Exley, a professor in bio-Chrisinorganic chemistry based at Keele University, released detailed findings several months ago that aluminum most certainly does cause Alzheimers. The link between Alzheimers and aluminum has existed for a long…

The Elderly Are Being Over Medicated At Scary Rates.

Senior citizens can be horribly taken advantage of in today’s society. That’s not groundbreaking news. But one industry that often flies under the radar for their nefarious activity towards the elderly community is pharma. Opioids, antidepressants,…