COVID: What is the Truth?
by: Fed Up Texas Chick As cities and states around the nation revamp vax and mask mandates, many are asking a simple question: Why? This leads to THE overarching albeit simple question: What is the truth…
by: Fed Up Texas Chick As cities and states around the nation revamp vax and mask mandates, many are asking a simple question: Why? This leads to THE overarching albeit simple question: What is the truth…
We are living in an ever-more intense “Death Tsunami” Dr. Sherri Tenpenny tells us! Dr. Tenpenny says in the UK, 1 in 73 people who got the shot are already dead, according to government data….
All polls going into election day on November 8 indicate a red tsunami. Even stalwart Stacey Abrams, who refused to concede the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial race to Brian Kemp, is already blaming her loss today…
By James Grundvig, American Media Periscope Emily Oster, an essayist for The Atlantic, published a plea asking to “declare a pandemic amnesty.” The social scientist writer, who publishes quarterly in the Marxist, pro-Covid magazine, floated…
By Fed Up Texas Chick, Contributing Author Incredibly, the 15-member panel of academic and pharmaceutical “experts” known as the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted unanimously on October 20 to add these death…
By Stan Szymanski The first ‘too big to fail’ bank, Credit Suisse, suffers one or more bank runs as collapse of trust in the financial system expands. 25 days ago I wrote an article entitled…
By James Grundvig, American Media Periscope The scourge of child sacrifice haunts human history going back to the Old Testament of the Bible. Thirty-two verses refer to the horrific practice, including the sad tale of…
By Maryam Henein, Investigative Journalist In the previous section, we explored the dangers of the spike protein. Here we explore the mRNA. The CoV injections are considered gene therapy whether they are DNA or mRNA-based…
By Maryam Henein, Investigative Journalist In Part 2, I explored Bill Gates’ role in Nigeria with monkeypox and began hinting to some monkeying around. Here is the conclusion of my 3 part series. On May…
by Maryam Henein, Investigative Journalist As I asked in Part 1, what was Bill Gates/the Gates Foundation doing in Nigeria in 2017? I didn’t have to go far to find the answer. Nigeria For Sale …