Pinterest Blocks Vaccine Searches, Seeks To ‘Stop Misinformation’

pinterest vaccine searches

Pinterest is now blocking vaccine-related searches across its social media network. The company told the Wall Street Journal that it began blocking the content in December and intends to continue the strategy until it comes up with appropriate measures to “stop misinformation.”

Pinterest searches, it seems, primarily focused on vaccine safety topics. This makes sense considering it is difficult to imagine the company would censor media-accepted information.

“It’s better not to serve those results than to lead people down what is like a recommendation rabbit hole,” Ifeoma Ozoma, Pinterest’s public policy, and social impact manager, told the Wall Street Journal.

And it isn’t just Pinterest that’s attempting to “protect us from misinformation,” Facebook announced that it would take measures against vaccine resistance/safety information as well.

No matter where you stand on the vaccine issue, news of content censorship should frighten anyone. The fact is, only a few big tech information exchange platforms remain. They yield an extreme and terrifying amount of power over what we read, watch, and even what we message. At some point, the idea that a government needs more authority over our lives to protect us ends poorly for all of us. The sad fact is, 1984 is happening right before our very eyes, largely due to media fear mongering.

But the more afraid the herd becomes, the more compliant it becomes to government overreach initiatives. Eventually, everything we read, write, and say, is channeled through government compliance technology.

You want vaccines, you hate vaccines, you hate some vaccines but not others, it doesn’t matter. This game doesn’t begin nor end with vaccines; it only ends with all communications being censored.

In December of 2018, went completely user supported due to pharmaceutical company advertisements showing up on the site. The donation form is located at the end of this article.

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1 Comment on "Pinterest Blocks Vaccine Searches, Seeks To ‘Stop Misinformation’"

  1. battlemantlemama | 02/24/2019 at 6:17 pm | Reply

    I have had 4 boards deleted on Pinterest. The first had over 3000 pieces of data. Each one seems to be deleted at a lower and lower number of pins. There seems to be a group of us who just start another board to help those who are getting started and those who are searching for information. We are a Horribly Vaccine Injured Family with 4 children having Special Needs through adoption (30 plus dx). I have Tissue Analysis showing sky-high levels of Aluminum in our son’s brain a year after stopping vax when he was 2 years old. He is now 24, diapers, non-verbal, functionally 2 years. As far as I’m concerned, Vax is the Mark of the Beast.

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