Vaccine Investigations Have Started After Florida Outbreak

A Florida preschool is now at the epicenter of new vaccine investigations after a whooping couch outbreak occurred. The preschool was nearly fully vaccinated, raising further concerns that the pertussis vaccine is failing. Other theories are that the vaccinated are spreading illness themselves by shedding.

The numbers of the infected are rattling, to say the least. From mid-2013 into early-2014, two workers were diagnosed with pertussis and 11 relatives of students were diagnosed. And in total, 26 preschoolers were diagnosed. The staggering numbers have caused the community to second guess the vaccine process.

At the core of the whooping cough outbreak is the fact that only FIVE non-vaccinated students attended the school. This would be the first time a “sustained transmission of pertussis in a vaccinated group of 1- to 5-year-old children has been reported in the United States,” the report said, via Live Science.

“It was surprising that this outbreak occurred among a highly vaccinated preschool population,” said five epidemiologists who are staff members at the Florida Department of Health in Tallahassee —writing to Live Science in a joint email. “This age group is generally thought to be protected against whooping cough through vaccination.”

Additionally, the duration of the outbreak is even more puzzling. The five-month span has vaccine supporters scratching their collective heads. The first case, in a 1-year-old, was investigated back in September of 2013. Two months later, a second infant was diagnosed. This prompted a massive vaccination investigation, examining the vaccine status of even the relatives of those children who were infected.

The investigators found that among the 33 children in the pertussis outbreak, which included both students and siblings of the preschoolers, 28 of them had received three or more pertussis vaccinations, and 23 had received four or more vaccinations. They estimated the vaccine effectiveness rate among all the preschool students to be 45 percent.

Some blame is being placed on “improper diagnosis” leading to prolonged exposure. However, if the vaccine works, wouldn’t that fly in the face of the vaccine logic? Now the pertussis vaccine will be “monitored” by health officials as an ongoing effort to solve this riddle. Make sure you visit out prepper website for information on to prepare for the worst.


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