Vaccine Contaminants, Nanotechnology, and Cancer

flickr needle
Photo by PATH global health

by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM

Over the last 17 years, I’ve read hundreds of medical journal articles on the problems associated with vaccines. I have written and spoken about vaccine contaminants – stray viruses, aluminum, mercury, polysorbate 80, animal cells, and so on. I have often wondered “What else is coming through that needle?”

This article, “New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro and Nano-contamination” published on January 23, 2017, in the peer-reviewed journal, the International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination absolutely blew me away.

Here is a snapshot from this must-read, full-text article:

A team of scientists in Italy decided to examine batches of vaccines, looking for contaminants not listed as ingredients. 44 types of vaccines manufactured in Italy and France were analyzed using an Environmental Electron Scanning Microscope. This method was chosen because the matter can be separated into either organic debris (called aggregates) or inorganic debris (called clusters). The identified particles were counted three times by three different operators, with an error rate of less than 10%. They found inorganic contaminants in every single one. 

The presence of micro- and nanosized particulate matter, composed of inorganic chemicals, metals and combination elements whose presence is inexplicable. 

The particles are foreign bodies, and can produce a chronic inflammatory reaction because the particles cannot be degraded. The tiny nanoparticles can enter the cell nuclei and interact with cellular DNA.

The inorganic particles are neither biocompatible nor biodegradable, that means they are biopersistentThey can induce immediate effects or the effects may be delayed for a long time after administration. 

Indentifying Aluminum and NaCl is obvious because they are commonly used in vaccines and they are declared components, but the other materials are not supposed to be in vaccines or in any other injectable drug.

In most circumstances, the combinations detected are very odd. They have no technical use, cannot be found in any material handbook and look like form randomly, for example, when waste is burnt. In any case, whatever their origin, they should not be present in any injectable, let alone in vaccines given to infants. 


While the entire article was disturbing, I found this little paragraph to be the most eye-popping of all:

  • Feligen, the only veterinary vaccine tested, proved to be the only sample free from inorganic contamination, while Allergoid generates a layer of inorganic salts [aluminum] so thick that it does not allow to detect other particulate contaminants.

Why would a shot used for allergies (Allergoid) be loaded with aluminum, which is known to cause allergies?

Why would a cat vaccine have no contaminants, while vaccines destined for humans are loaded with toxic particulate matter?

If these vaccine contaminants are due to sloppy manufacturing, the animal vaccine should be contaminated with the same elements, which includes titanium, tungsten, stainless steel, chromium, nickel, aluminum, iron and a very long list of combination formulated compounds such as SiAlSBaFe (silicon + aluminum + sulfur + barium + iron), a particle found in the European flu shot, Agrippal, and AlSiMgTiMnCrFe (aluminum + silicon +magnesium + titanium + manganese + chromium + iron) a particle found in Repevax, one of many European DTaP vaccines.

On a side note, Repevax is one nasty vaccine. In addition to the large particle named above, the vaccine contains diphtheria and tetanus toxoid, 4-in-1 pertussis antigens, and three polio viruses. The vaccine is produced in VERO cells from African monkeys. It has residual formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, streptomycin, neomycin, polymyxin B and bovine serum, all used during the manufacturing process. For good measure, 1.5mg of aluminum phosphate is used as an adjuvant and polysorbate 80 and phenoxyethanol are present as excipients. It is approved for use in children 3yrs of age and over, adolescents and adults. Would you want this injected into your body, or the body of your child?

Table 1. Summary of types of nanoparticles found in 44 tested vaccines

Ag Silver Ni Nickel
Al Aluminum P Phosphorus
Au Gold Pb Lead
Ba Barium Pt Platinum
Bi Bismuth S Sulfur
Br Bromine Si Silicon
Cl Chlorine Sn Tin
Cr Chromium Ti Titanium
Cu Copper V Vanadium
Fe Iron W Tungsten
K Potassium Zn Zinc
Mg Magnesium Zr Zirconium

What about these metals?

According the article, Toxicity and Carcinogenicity of Essential and Non-Essential Metals,” the metal particulates identified in these vaccines could be causing serious harm. Here are three:

  • Nickel:
    • In vitro cell transformation studies have provided fairly conclusive evidence that nickel can be carcinogenic in humans and animals. (p. 34)
    • a potent inducer of DNA lesions, sites of damage in the base-pairing or structure of DNA. (p. 35)
  • Chromium
    • the carcinogenic and mutagenic effects of chromium are without question (p. 15)
  • Lead
    • Children can develop CNS problems when exposed to inorganic lead
    • Lead does not penetrate the CNS of adults as readily as it does children, but the peripheral nervous system of adults is affected by lead, leading to peripheral motor neuropathies (p. 16)

I have long believed that the chemicals or viruses – or something else – in vaccines contributed to the spectrum of brain injuries seen in both children and adults. The frontal lobe of the brain, the area behind the forehead, is where empathy is expressed. If this area is damaged, a personality disorder can emerge where a person can no longer appreciate or comprehend the emotions of another. Without compassion, they can intentionally harm others without regret.

Are we seeing this today in our society, in many of our young people? Vaccination at birth with the hepatitis B vaccine begain in 1991…26 years ago. The ramp up of the vaccine schedule started then and today, children are subjected to 50 doses of 14 vaccines before age 6, and 69 doses of 16 vaccines by age 18. Across the US, the number of college students taking antidepressants skyrocketed between the 1990s and 2005. Estimates vary, but it has been estimated that up to 50% of all students seen at student health centers are given a prescription. The violence on college campuses has grown exponentially. One in 5 women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted on a campus. Rape is the most under-reported crime; 63% of sexual assaults are not reported to police.

Are the inorganic contaminants in vaccines delivering a knock-out punch, leading to brain injury specifically in the frontal lobe?

Could vaccines finally be proven to be the smoking gun in both bad health and bad behavior?

The next step is testing all approved vaccines being used in the US. Until that can be done, a complete moratorium on all vaccination should be ordered to save the next – and current – generation of children.

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17 Comments on "Vaccine Contaminants, Nanotechnology, and Cancer"

  1. WHO owns Sanofi-Aventis? WHAT did members of this family spend decades exploring and researching? Did they find the perfect method of depopulation? These people are EVIL!!!

  2. Ashok G Patel MD | 01/07/2019 at 11:42 am | Reply

    Listen to Del Bigtree on YouTube@HighWireTalk. He has a good discussion with JB Hanley who wrote a book How to end The Autism Epidemic. Listen to his episode #77.

  3. Thank you Dr Tenpenny, for sharing your wealth of information with us! The facts are available for anyone willing to put in the time to learn the truth. I’m working on the front lines as a Labor & Delivery nurse, and see parents not even question giving the hepatitis vax to their hour old baby, or to a premie with no risk factors for getting hepatitis. I’d get in a lot of trouble giving out any info that would change parental approval. I do mention that hepatitis B is a “sexually transmitted disease” that can be acquired through sex, sharing needles, or blood transfusions, and if they hesitate at all, I may suggest they can take more time and research the vax before giving it to their newborn. It’s such a charged topic! Within the last 5-7 years, when I asked if they wanted the vaccination, the reply has shifted from something like, “oh, what’s this vaccination??”, to something like “YES, I’m pro vaccination!!!” Whatever is recommended!! Now, most pregnant patients where I work at are given the T-dap vax with EVERY pregnancy, even if it’s every other year! How can that be necessary, and safe.

    I don’t know what it’s going to take to wake people up, but I’m willing do what I can to nudge a person to want to research more info than what they’ve been told. Thank heavens there are dedicated experts like you willing to put their lives and careers on the line to get the truth out there!

    • How deeply the lies and fraud run never cease to be shocking to me. So sad….and they will be the first ones to cry out when something horrible happens. Thanks for a trying. To me, the DOCTORS ARE THE PROBLEM. They are the cat’s paw of the entire Pharmakeia industry. Keep doing what you’re doing, even though it must be very difficult.

  4. There are now energy medicine techniques that help remove the negative effects of vaccines from the body. The one we practice is called NAET.
    Many physicians are trained in this technique. I am an RN and my husband is a retired MD and we see people regain their health after treatments for vaccines. The healthiest people I know never had vaccines.

  5. Linda Hinojosa | 02/15/2017 at 1:07 am | Reply

    My son had learning disabilities in school. He also went into the air force and was sent to Afghanistan twice. Each time prior to deployment, he had a massive amount of vaccinations. He was diagnosed with ALS in August of 2015. He was only 27 years old.

  6. If you want to know what’s coming down regarding vaccines and what’s in them, read the book “Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases” by Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits. No matter how horrid, we must know the truth if we are ever to be able to change course, correct boneheaded or even evil behaviors and save ourselves. Do not be dismayed, for knowledge is power.

  7. You may want to read “Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm” at

  8. Yes creating zombies! Would explain why a lot of people are being brain washed about a zombie Apocalypse. Its already been happening for years!

  9. You may want to read “Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm” at, or if you have a strong sense of self and can take the fear incited, but simply must know what’s coming down regarding vaccines and what’s in them, read the book “Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases” by Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits. No matter how horrid, we must know the truth if we are ever to be able to change course, correct boneheaded or even evil, behaviors and save ourselves. Do not be dismayed, for knowledge is power.

  10. Dr Tenpenny | 02/09/2017 at 3:57 pm | Reply

    Yep…but if we support Trump’s appointee – RFKennedy Jr – to the Integrity in Science panel, perhaps once and for all, this nonsense will stop.

  11. Dr Tenpenny | 02/09/2017 at 3:56 pm | Reply

    Jean – you are so correct. We have nearly 190 Weekly Screams and >8,000 articles archived at – we have been collecting the evidence against the vaccine industry for years. Please share this article…and keep spreading the new.

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